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August 7, 2006
Birthday Wish List (will be a work in progress until September 13th)
Yes, my wrists are still bad, but they are better. And pretty soon, people will be asking me what I want for my birthday, and it's so much more convenient to give them all a link instead of repeating the exact same conversation over and over with all the people I know. This way, we can talk about more interesting things than what I want.
So this is what I want:
- a microwave
- music (here are suggestions)
- big white candles (like ones from Mols maybe) (candles in other colors are good too, but white is safest)
- stuff from Mols in general, or Rafens
- a DVD player
- DVDs
- loudspeakers that I can plug into my computer so I can use Pandora as a real alternative to CDs
- a subscription to Current History
- in general: stuff for my apartment
- clothes. Clothes are always good. Except I don't really have room in my closet. But who cares, I have the attic and the basement.
- Amazon.com gift certificates. Like clothes, they always work.
- believe me, I wouldn't mind "experience" type gifts either, like tickets for things or promises to make me dinner or take me somewhere or whatever. Be creative.
- a new purse/bag which is the right size to hold my wallet, cell phone, keys and a novel. If there's room for a Palm Pilot, lunch and a bottle of water too, I can use it for school.
- a couple of big cushions that I can put in the attic and use as extra seats when I have more party guests than chairs
- more room on my hard disc (or an alternative way of storing music/pictures)
- things that you put under hot things to protect the table (there is no word for this in Norwegian, and I can't remember if there is one in English)
- coasters
- placemats
- a suitcase on wheels
- a hair dryer
What I don't want:
- jewellery. This may sound harsh, and I will probably love any jewellery I actually recieve. So if you have a particular piece of jewellery in mind, and this is a well-thought-out special gift, go for it. But don't go out and buy me jewellery because you can't think of anything else. I have so much of it now I don't have time to wear it all, and I end up wearing the same things over and over.
- notebooks. I am particular about what I write in, and no matter how cute the cover is, I won't use if it isn't right. I already have a drawer full of beautiful little notebooks that I will probably never use.
- anything for my apartment that isn't returnable. I might already have something similar, and if you read Norwegian, you know how I hate the very idea of interior decorating stuff that can't be returned.
Posted by Julie at August 7, 2006 11:59 AM
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Nyttig!! Og absolutt relevant, ja, jeg forstår så godt hva du mener om at folk "will be asking"... Selv er familiefeiringen overstått, da jeg ikke skal være hjemme flere helger før den store dagen - som forøvrig er den 31. august, siden du lurte Ü
Posted by: heidi karethe at August 8, 2006 9:05 PM
Jeg kommer vel ikke til å sende deg noen gave, men jeg kan kanskje bidra på annet vis?
Den tingen man plasserer mellom bord og varme ting kalles "bordskåner". De fleste forstår det uttrykket, tror jeg.
På forhånd gratulerer med dagen!
Posted by: saccarina at August 11, 2006 10:35 PM
saccarina - "bordskåner" er forståelig, men jeg har aldri hørt det før...
Posted by: Julie at September 3, 2006 9:36 PM
Jeg liker at du bare har gaver som er enklest for Ingvild å få tak i. Ti dager til nå.
Posted by: A.J. Stalin at September 3, 2006 11:38 PM