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April 24, 2007

Social (or sidewalk) intelligence

From the Facebook group "Folk som presser seg inn i t-banen før andre har gått av, må brenne!!!" (Translation: "People who crowd onto the subway before other people have a chance to get off, must BURN!!!") 

I'm in total agreement of the importance of the measuring of EQ and IQ, but i think it is important to include SQ in the mix. Yes, traditional and emotional intelligence are key, but these will not help you survive (ie manage your time) in day to day to day to day life. A person with high SQ will understand that the sidewalk, or any crowded place - airports being particulary exposed, is not your livingroom and plan his or her movements accordingly. This helps facilitate quick and easy transport for everyone else travelling in the same area. Consequence: Everyone manage to manage what they need to manage that day, and society as a whole benefits. That day could be the very day that the definitive cure for cancer is invented. People with little or no SQ acts as the sidewalk IS their livingroom, and will make a full stop if so desired. This person will, if for instance someone calls or a friend is walking past, just plain ol' stop. I'm not talking about a gentle stop where you look left and right, and try to get a picture of what is going on around you. I'm talking about the kind where the whole world disappers, and you are the only fucker left. Never mind the twentyorsomething people behind you that now have to stop and readjust their entire lives. This leads to people loosing valueable time, and cancer kills us all. - Kjartan Slette

Posted by Julie at April 24, 2007 5:42 PM

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