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April 22, 2007
This week
I read
- The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
- New Economist, recently added to my Bloglines
- What Sex is Sam Berlant? Sometimes authors don't know everything about their own characters.
- Forsyningsdepartementet. It's a shame this is only funny to Norwegians, because it explains Norway very well. Who but the Norwegians would quarrel about language when there's a world war to worry about?
- Iskwew's thoughts, because she has a sister with ME too
- Gjennom Vinduet is still wonderful
I listened to
- Amon Tobin, supposedly "a dense, plunderphonic kaleidoscope of an album with giant, noisy jazz breaks and groovy electronic synthwork" which I mainly used to drown out background noise in the university corridor
- Mika, I hadn't thought I would enjoy the whole album as much as I enjoy the first song, but I did. You wouldn't think that he could get away with some of his lyrics and still be able to stay mainstream, but the music in itself is just so sweet.
I watched
- Mean Girls, sometimes the most over-the-top, stupid teen movies are really the most believable. Unfortunately. (Oh, and a quote which I might one day use to insult someone: "Her clothes look like they were picked out by a blind Sunday school teacher." It's kind of like the one from Peter's Friends (which is a great movie, one of those that my parents have watched so many times that I knew most of the lines by heart long before I knew what they meant): "You make Mother Theresa look like a hooker.")
Posted by Julie at April 22, 2007 9:54 AM
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"Amon Tobin, supposedly "a dense, plunderphonic kaleidoscope of an album with giant, noisy jazz breaks and groovy electronic synthwork" which I mainly used to drown out background noise in the university corridor"
hahahahahahahahahahaha : )
Posted by: Michael at April 28, 2007 12:26 AM
Michael - thank you for introducing me to new things. I actually like Amon Tobin better than 4Hero. I think it's the jazzy stuff. But as you can see, I haven't really listened to (as in concentrated on) it. Because I'm preoccupied.
Posted by: Julie at April 28, 2007 12:46 AM
hei! no problem. I'm glad that you even take time to listen to this "weird" stuff, its just the context you put this record in was rather funny - "supposedly a plunderphonic album", which was only good enough for drowning out background noise. I know you meant it well, but my first reaction was still a laugh (not at u, but of the fact that music was merely good enough for drowning the background noise).
Posted by: michael at May 1, 2007 1:36 AM
and Mika album sucks a** ; )
Posted by: Michael at May 1, 2007 1:38 AM
Michael - It's better than "just good enough to drown out background noise", but that's basically what I'm using music for these days. And Mika is fun.
Posted by: Julie at May 1, 2007 11:35 AM