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May 12, 2007
This week
I read
- Ut med subbet, inn med folket, om redaktører, nettaviser, blogger og wikier
- What Mihoe did this weekend, which made me realize I really don't have a lot of free time, even compared to people who seem smart
- Morgenbladet, especially the article about import restrictions
- "The Innocents Abroad", "Seoul Brothers", "Panama Banal", "Third World Driving Hints and Tips", "What do they do for fun in Warsaw?", "The Post-Marcos Phillipines - life in the archipelago after one year of justice, democracy and things like that", "Christmas in El Salvador", "In Whitest Africa" and "Through Darkest America: Epcot Center" in Holidays in Hell by P. J. O'Rourke
I listened to
- Jem
- more Mika, after my little sister discovered how much fun he is ("He's weird! Just like your friends... Julie, everyone you know is so weird!") and he become the default soundtrack in our kitchen
- Well, why don't you check out my profile on Last.fm? They know all my secrets now.
I watched/listened to
- Paulo Nutini trying to convince us that he's not going to rehab. Not that I don't like his version of the song, but when Amy Winehouse says "No! No! No!" I believe her, and when Paulo Nutini says "No! No! No!" I think: "Nice try. Stop whining; you're going."
- Regina Spector over and over again. I don't know why I got so addicted to this video. Maybe it's the look of the video: black and white, her shoes, her nail polish, the coffee. Maybe the rhythm just got stuck in my head (and when that happens, the only cure is to hear the original of the song, rather than the constant playback in my mind). Or maybe it's the lyrics.
This was also the second Sunday in a row that included episodes of Gilmore Girls and eggs with basil. I think I like these new traditions.
Posted by Julie at May 12, 2007 9:51 AM
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Thanks for a lovely breakfast ;) -- this blog posting made me think to pick up some basil when I went to the store this morning.
Oh, and I liked Regina Spektor, too.
Posted by: Jorunn at May 13, 2007 11:09 AM
Hei pus!
Glad last.fm ikke har skuffet hittil. Hvis du ikke vil at verden skal vite om din hemmelige kjærlighet til Celine Dion kan du skru av scrobblingen midlertidig og spille og danse rundt i undertøyet med imaginary Fabio så mye du bare vil.
Hva angår Jennys snikspilling av Mika har jeg ingen gode løsningsforslag akkurat nå, men jeg skal se om jeg kommer på noe.
Posted by: Elisabeth at May 13, 2007 1:49 PM
Elisabeth - Imaginary Fabio? Who?
Jeg synes egentlig Jennys spilling av Mika er helt greit, så lenge hun også liker alt annet jeg setter på. Hver gang hun hører på Mika, betyr det at hun ikke hører på Amy Diamond.
Posted by: Julie at May 13, 2007 2:46 PM