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August 26, 2007
This week
- Cooking by numbers which gives you possible recipes after you've given them a list of what's in your kitchen. I could at least make "an apple on its own" using the following recipe: 1. Take apple and examine for signs of wear and tear. 2. Put your coat on and go down the local shop or supermarket. 3. Whilst walking chew on your apple. Stop eating when you get to the pips and stalk. Throw the stalk in the bin and get some food.
- "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." and other Einstein quotes
- Why Can't I Own Canadians?
- Info bare for de sterke "Paradoksalt nok finner Google frem til relevant informasjon på norge.no mye raskere og enklere enn dersom brukeren selv skal navigere seg frem på norge.no," skriver informasjonsrådgiver Knut Natvig. Statens nettsider er for dårlige.
- Hasj er farlig Så det så. Men det forbindes fortsatt med "politisk motkultur og høy utdanning" og nesten halve Oslo prøver det innen de fyller 30.
- The Complete Polysyllabic Spree by Nick Hornby. It makes me very happy. So much so that I don't want to pick just a few things to say about it. I'll either have to give it its own blog post, or just tell you to read it for yourself. You can read the introduction here.
I watched
- Middle East History I can't help but think while watching this: The area we call the Middle East (and maybe especially Isreal) has been controlled by so many different empires that if having once controlled a territory sometime in history gives you rights to controlling it now, then ANYONE can claim these areas. Shouldn't this be obvious to anyone using that kind of argumentation? It can apparantly be explained in 90 seconds.
- Olsenbanden Fordi jeg ikke fikk lov til å gå glipp av denne viktige siden av norsk kultur (etter et dansk konsept riktig nok).
- Pan's Labyrinth According to Kermode: "If you're only going to see one movie this year, first of all what's wrong with you? And secondly, it should be Pan's Labyrinth." And I loved it. After all, it's Narnia for grown-ups, with history, fantasy, seriously scary monsters, and a lead actress who does a great job.
I listened to
- Kermode. Well, actually I always do, but I haven't written about him yet. He is fantastic, especially when he really dislikes a movie and rants. I wish he would do that for more than just movies. I wish there were Kermode podcasts for books, politicians, newspaper articles, buses, exam grades, friends, family members, random acquantances and shoe prices.
Posted by Julie at August 26, 2007 10:38 AM
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fordi du hadde lyst
Posted by: per ivar at August 26, 2007 4:12 PM
per ivar - jeg sa ikke at jeg ikke hadde det gøy. Selv Aina mente at vi tok en riktig avgjørelse, siden dette er noe man bare må få med seg om man skal kalle seg nordmann. Og når du og Aina er enige om noe, må det jo stemme.
Posted by: Julie at August 27, 2007 9:27 AM
please go check this out. http://imdb.com/title/tt0412536/
Read down the page. Read the fun facts. Read and weep. Why do they call that fun facts? They should call it Really Sad and Frustrating Facts.
Posted by: Imaginary Ayna at September 3, 2007 12:29 AM
Imaginary Ayna - So it was going to be Jude Law after all. Wow, are we good or what? Sad, though, but maybe for the best. Obsessions are bad for my studies.
Posted by: Julie at September 3, 2007 10:30 AM