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September 30, 2007
This week
I read...- Fra jakt til flukt En artig liten historie, men samtidig en advarsel. Jeg kjenner ingen som har opplevd dette, men at det skjer med noen som jeg leser bloggen til, er en påminnelse om at det kan skje meg.
- "Lord Reith, founder of the BBC, legendarily fired off an angry memo to his staff after a broadcast in which someone or other was described as “the famous lawyer”. The memo went like this: ‘The word FAMOUS. If a person is famous it is superfluous to point out the fact, if they are not then it is a lie. The word is not to be used within the BBC.’ Way to tell them, Scottish guy." Stephen Fry's second blog post or "blessay" as he calls it, is all about everything he associates with the word "fame". And I love the way he writes about "Leonard's Code by Dan Whatsit".
- "Lunefull Legende" av Fredrik Drevon, om bokhandleren George Whitman som driver fantastiske Shakespeare&Co. Et absolutt pluss med å flytte til Paris er at jeg kan tilbringe tid her.
- Rare norske navn fra 1801
- En avhengighetsskapende stat? og kronikken den linker til Vil dere den totale stat?
These past few weeks, I have watched
- Stardust, an absolutely GREAT movie. After seeing this, I was so happy I wanted to skip down the streets. This is not really something I do that much. However, I was with a friend who can't walk at the moment, so I was skipping for the both of us. I loved every single moment of this movie, really.
- Veronica Mars
- Ally McBeal
- Skins
Posted by Julie at September 30, 2007 9:39 AM
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