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February 24, 2008
This week
What? "This week" posts again? Does this mean that I will be posting nothing but lists of what I'm doing and reading, instead of actually writing anything? I hope not. But there is so much out there I want to recommend to you or warn you about. For example, this week...
I read
- "Steal this Wi-Fi" If only Bruce Schneier were my neighbor. If only someone in my building read his blog.
- Too many articles on the presidential primaries to actually link to, because I'm taking a course where that kind of stuff gives me actual credits (yes, I love my life)
- The Painted Veil (finished this week after reading it off and on, in Norwegian, for the past couple months). Not as romantic as the movie, but I don't know which I like better - or which is sadder. And I still don't really get the title, although there is a lot of talk of nuns.
- Stuff White People Like Number 67 describes me pretty accurately, including liking Belle & Sebastian and actually deciding on what my soundtrack is for different months. Yes, there is a "Soundtrack of Paris" playlist on my iTunes. I admit it.
I listened to
... because Julie Balise decided that having the same first name, writing World News articles on elections for The Planet, drinking Guinness, studying the American presidential elections and having grown up in Massachusetts didn't make us similar enough; we should also be compatible on Last.fm.
- and the aforementioned Soundtrack of course, and of course a lot of Belle & Sebastian
I ate
- tofu. I can't remember the last time I did that. It was actually a good experience.
Posted by Julie at February 24, 2008 10:07 AM
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