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March 23, 2009

My apartment


These are a few of my favorite things.



Mons Stea2

Blackboard cupboard, where I leave messages for myself. Sometimes I wake up, check my blackboard and think: "That's why I'm awake. I have a bus to catch. Thank you Yesterday-Julie." Note the recipe box with colorful chickens, and the empty can of Angkor Beer, the national drink of Cambodia. (Photo: Mons Stea, March 2009)



Fest for festens skyld 026

Guest book, where other people leave messages for me. (Photo: Unknown party guest, March 2009)



Fest for festens skyld 047 

A complete breakfast includes eggs, bacon, orange juice, the internet and a friend. (Chili nuts optional. Espresso shot at the kitchen counter before breakfast.) (Photo: Julie R. Andersen, March 2009)



Depression Moose Cap 026

My favorite way to decorate a room: friends in retro clothing. (Photo: Julie R. Andersen, January 2009)



May 2007 027

Mmmm... Pie. (Photo: Julie R. Andersen, Pie: Elisabeth Neuhaus, both May 2007)



Bursdagsfest 150907 015

Bookshelves and friend. I remember when I had just gotten that extra shelf. It's full of books now. (Photo: Unknown party guest, September 2007)



Mons Stea1

The instructions in the kitchen should be pretty easy to follow. (Photo: Mons Stea, March 2009)


Chandelier photographer unkown, left on my camera after a party, March 2009

Posted by Julie at March 23, 2009 11:21 PM

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