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April 5, 2011

Cookies are for eating


A new EU directive will require that websites get their users' clear consent for all cookies by May 25, according to Deutsche Welle. This could mean endless pop-ups repeatedly asking for your permission to store info.

In Norway, online cookies could become illegal by the end of April. E24 wrote about this back in January, and it's worth repeating. Anders Willstedt, leader of Inma, an interest group for interactive advertisers, told E24:

"If this goes through, it will send the Internet back to the stone age. The people who drafted this bill don't know enough about how the Internet works. It would mean that loading the front page of the newspaper Dagbladet would require ticking 27 'permission to store cookies' boxes."

It all depends on what we mean by consenting to cookies. Yahoo, Google and Firefox are working on various ways of letting us give or deny permission to store cookies once and for all, instead of every single time we load a page.

For the other kind of cookies, the answer is much, much simpler:

Image source: Cookie monster by Chibcha, Creative Commons. The cookie sign is mine, photographed in my old apartment.

Posted by Julie at April 5, 2011 2:43 PM

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