Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Espen Andersen
[Work] [Consulting] [Education] [Research] [Teaching] [Publications] [Personal]
Espen Andersen is Associate Professor with the
Department of Strategy and Logistics at the Norwegian School of Management BI
(, and a Research Affiliate and European Research Director with The
Concours Group (, an international IT and management
research and consulting organization. Based in Oslo, Norway, he has done
research on topics such as technology strategy, mobile business, electronic
commerce, knowledge management, learning technologies, digital business strategy
and CIO-CEO interaction.
Andersen holds a degree of Doctor of Business Administration in management
information systems from Harvard Business School. He has consulted on IS
and strategy issues for a wide range of large organisations in the United States
and Europe, and is a frequent speaker on technology and strategic management
Espen welcomes visits to his virtual office at
Work experience
- Associate Professor,
Department of Strategy (Aug. 2000 - present)
- Development of two M.Sc. courses on technology strategy and one on basic strategic management.
- Development of two executive education programs, in Electronic Strategic Business Development (for EForum,
Telenor Corporate University, and Finnmark på Nett) and Strategic Management (for Geelmuyden-Kiese and Computas)
- Participation in a number of research projects
- Conducted training sessions on technology use and case teaching for colleagues and doctoral students
- Columnist for CIO/Business Standard, Norwegian version of CIO Magazine. 2001-2004
- Associate Editor, ACM Ubiquity
- Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Strategic Information Systems
- Created the Norwegian School of Management Case Collection, 2002
- Associate Professor, Information
Management Group, Department of Technology Management (Nov. 1996 - July 2000)
- Developed and executed a number of study tours to the US with Executive Education and MBA students.
- Development of a number of courses at undergraduate and graduate levels, including a case based course on IT management and a course on electronic commerce, jointly taught via videoconference with Prof. Bill Schiano of Bentley College, Waltham, MA.
THE CONCOURS GROUP, Kingwood, TX, USA and London, UK (Oct. 99 - present)
- Research Affiliate, participant and contributor to 6-8
research projects per year (within IT management, strategy, learning
- European Research Director, responsible for research coverage in Europe
- Commentator and member of editorial team, Trendwatch (quarterly publication on technology and management issues)
- Project leader on Re.sults project DBI: Driving Business Integration (2004)
- Project leader on Re.sults project mB: Doing Business in a Mobile World (2000/01)
- Research, presentations and advisory consulting to a number of
organizations and institutions in Europe, USA and Australia.
MA., USA and London (Oct. 94 - September 99)
NORWEGIAN BUSINESS SCHOOL, Norway (October 85 - May 90)
IT Advisor, Computing Center. (March 89 - May 90)
Assistant Director, Computing Center. (Feb. 88 - Feb. 89)
- Daily management of Computing Center (22 employees, IBM
4381/14 mainframe, IBM, HP and Norsk Data minicomputers, 600 IBM
compatible PC's, approx. 100 Macintoshes, approx. 1500 users).
- Organized the move of computer equipment and staff when the main campus was moved to new location in Sandvika.
- Designed student computer labs in new school building.
- Negotiated student terms with various hardware and software suppliers.
Head of User Support Group, Computing Center (Oct. 86 - Feb. 88)
- Operationally responsible for the introduction of personal
computers in the curriculum (NSM was the first institution of higher
education in Northern Europe to make PC's mandatory), including course
design, organizing of support services and equipment testing/approval
and negotiations with vendors.
- Responsible for the introduction of electronic mail, including documentation and training.
IT Consultant, Computing Center (Oct. 85 - Oct. 86)
Consulting and public speaking (more than 350 speeches since 1995) for numerous organizations (including many
Fortune 500 companies) and institutions in the
US, Europe, Australia and Asia on management and IT strategic issues:
Strategic management, Electronic commerce, Intranets, Technology
management, Knowledge Management, IS
Strategy and leadership.
Graduate School of Business Administration, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, Boston, USA. (1990 - 1995)
- Degree: Master of Business and Economics ("Siviløkonom")
- Thesis written for the Division of Refinement and Marketing of the Norwegian State Oil Company (Statoil),
title: "IFPS as an Application Building Tool: The Development of a
Result Reporting System for Oil and Gas Fields in the North Sea".
Research areas:
- competitive use of technology
- technology evolution
- business use of the Internet/electronic commerce
- strategic information systems
- management of information and technology
- collaborative and teaching technology
- management of learning organizations
- knowledge management
- organizational theory and organizational change
- enterprise computing architectures
- object oriented technologies
- Advanced and Applied Technology Strategy, advanced level course for M.Sc. in Strategy (2003, 2004, 2005)
- Technology Strategy and Strategic Technology, starting level course for M.Sc. in Strategy (2003, 2004, 2005)
- Basics of Strategic Management, Introductory course M.Sc level. (2004, 2005)
- Electronic strategic business development, MBA/senior year elective course, (2002-2004)
- Electronic strategic business development, MBA/senior year course, taught jointly with Bill Schiano of Bentley College, over video conferencing with students in Norway and the USA. (1997-2000)
- Electronic Strategic Business Development, 5-module
Master of Management program, developed for eForum and Telenor
Corporate University (2000-01 and 2001-02, new version for Finnmark
på Nett 2003-4)
- Strategic Leadership Development Program, developed for Geelmuyden-Kiese and Computas (1999-2000 and 2000-01)
- Strategisk IT Management (Strategisk ledelse av IS/IT) (Undergraduate course in IT Strategy, in Norwegian, until 2000)
- Management of IT, Executive MBA course in Strategic IT and Management of IT, in English (1997-2005)
- Management of IT, MBA course in Strategic IT and Management of IT, in English (1997-2005)
- IT and strategy, undergraduate MIS concentration course, Norwegian, with Bo
Hjort Christensen, 1997-2000)
- IT and innovation, Modul 3 - Systemutvikling, Master of Management course, Norwegian (1997-2001)
Guest lecturer in numerous courses.
Instructor, CSS405, "Using Information Technology for Competitive Advantage", Spring 1994.
Instructor, CSS400 "Microcomputers and Information Systems", Spring 1993.
Many technical courses on computer use and data communication for the Norwegian Business School, as well as external clients.
- Andersen, E. (2008) Det papirløse kontoret – på tide å komme i gang, Økonomisk Rapport, April 10
- Andersen, E. (2008) Time to get serious about the paperless office. Ubiquity. Volume Volume 9, Issue 13, April 1-7
- Andersen, E. og Kirsti Kierulf (2008) FAST og fremtiden: Norge som deltaker i det globale innovasjons-økosystemet, Økonomisk Rapport, March 12
- Andersen, E. (2008) NRK vil tvinge DAB på folket, e24, February 18
- Andersen, E. (2008) Time to end laptop serfdom. Ubiquity. Volume 9, Issue 5, February 11
- Andersen, E. (2008) Papir og nett i kamp, Aftenposten January 25
- Andersen, E. (2008) Stalinistiske IT-sjefer hindrer kreativitet,, January 9
- McFarlan, F. Warren, Ramiro Montealegre, and Espen Andersen (2008).
"Entrepreneurial Leadership in Forming High Tech Enclaves: Lessons from
the Government of Andhra Pradesh." Harvard Business School Case 308-079.
- Andersen, E. (2007) Frykten for de beste, Aftenposten December 22
- Andersen, E. (2007) Latterlig angrep på elektroniske bøker, e24, December 21
- Andersen, E. (2007) Pandoriske musikkopplevelser, e24, November 22
- Andersen, E. (2007) Ha'kke knekket sånne nøtter før, Økonomisk Rapport, December 6.
- Andersen, E. (2007) India blir verdens neste Silicon Valley,, October 23
- Andersen, E. (2007) Priskrig mot fattigdom, e24, October 19
- Andersen, E. (2007) Mysteriet under vasken, Økonomisk Rapport, October 12
- Andersen, E. (2007) Bonderomanteknologi, e24, September 5
- Andersen, E. (2007) Glem opsjoner - ta en Jensen!, e24, August 8
- Andersen, E. (2007) Vås om Åmås, Klassekampen, May 26
- Andersen, E. (2007) Jeg er ikke på Facebook, e24, May 21. mai
- Andersen, E. (2007) Rettferdighet gir ulikhet, Aftenposten May 11
- Andersen, E. (2007) Griser i kortstokken, e24, April 13
- Andersen, E. (2007) Veni, Vidi, Wiki, e24, March 2
- Andersen, E. (2007) Fem tips til professorjakten, Dagens Næringsliv, February 28
- Andersen, E. (2007) Det feilorganiserte sykehus, Aftenposten February 17
- Andersen, E. (2007) Crowdsourcing, e24, January 30
- Andersen, E. (2007) Ambisjonsløst om teknologi, Aftenposten, January 23
- Andersen, E. (2007) Klima, klimakterium, kompetanse og komfort, e24, January 3
- Andersen, E. (2007) Kampen om hjernekraften: Teknologi og
globalisering, kapittel i Fremtidsbilder 2030, rapport for NHOs
Årskonferanse, January 3
- Andersen, E. (2006) Hvordan lese mange nettaviser, Næringsliv 24, 21. november.
- Andersen, E. & K. Tannvik (2006) Fisk og olje er ikke nok, Aftenposten, 26. oktober
- Andersen, E. (2006) Leseplatefeber Næringsliv 24, 21. september
- Andersen, E. (2006) Utdanning, ikke oppbevaring, Aftenposten, 31. juli
- Andersen, E. (2006) Lange haler og lite utvalg, Næringsliv 24, 24. juli
- Andersen, E. (2006) Når får vi IT i stikkontakten? PC World Norge, 7/2006
- Andersen, E. (2006) Derfor har SAS problemer, Aftenposten, 26. mai 2006.
- Andersen, E. (2006) Medias angst for Internett, Aftenposten, 8. mai
- Andersen, E. (2006) The waning importance of categorization. Ubiquity. Volume 7, Issue 19, May 16-22,
- Andersen, E. (2006) Why you should chose math in high school. Ubiquity. Volume 7, Issue 11, March 21-27, 2006
- Andersen, E. (2006). 11 grunner til å velge matematikk, Aftenposten, 25. februar
- Andersen, E. (2006). En pris for alt, også IT, PC World Norge, No. 3
- Andersen, E. (2006). Når den gode teknologien taper, Aftenposten, 7. januar
- Andersen, E. (2005). "The Cucumber Season: Reflections on the Nature of Information when there isn't any." Ubiquity. Volume 6, Issue 31, August 16-23
- Andersen, E. (2005). "Fortidens voktere", Dagens Næringsliv, 22. april 2005
- Andersen, E. (2005). "Teknologistrategiske dinosaurer", PC World Norge,
- Andersen, E. (2005). Åndsverk, marked og teknologi: Når kartet ikke stemmer med terrenget. Høringsuttalelse til Stortingets kulturkomité.
- Andersen, E. (2005). "The S-curves of Sinks, and Technology" Ubiquity. Volume 6, Issue 9, June 1-8.
- Andersen, E. (2005). "Using Wikis in a Corporate Context", in Hohenstein & Wilbers (eds.): Handbuch E-Learning, WoltersKluwer Deutschland
- Andersen, E. (2004). "Trapping the wily professor", European
Business Forum , issue 19, pp.65-66.
- Andersen, E. (2004). Driving Business Integration, The Concours Group Re.Sults report.
- Andersen, E. (2004). "Has the Microsoft of Today Become the IBM of the Late '80s?", Ubiquity. Volume 5, Issue 22, July 28 - Aug. 3
- Andersen, E. (2004). "It is not what you do, but whom you do it with" Ubiquity. Volume 4, Issue 49, Feb. 11 - 17.
- Andersen, E. and Ø. Fjeldstad (2003). "Understanding
inter-firm relations in mediation industries, with special reference to
the Nordic Mobile Communication Industry." Industrial Marketing Management 32: 397-408.
- Fjeldstad, Ø. and E. Andersen (2003). "Casting off the chains: Value shops and value networks." European Business Forum (14): 47-53.
- Andersen, E. (2003). "Genesis of an anthill: Wireless technology and self-organizing systems" ACM Ubiquity 3(49).
- Andersen, E. (2003). "Prosessering og kommunikasjon er gratis!" CIO/Business Standard (11).
- Andersen, E. (2003). "Fallskjermsjegere, okkupasjonstropper - og blåruss." CIO/Business Standard (10).
- Andersen, E. (2003). "Åpen kildekode på fremmarsj." CIO/Business Standard (9).
- Andersen, E. (2003). "Tanker ved en motorvei." CIO/Business Standard (7): 48.
- Andersen, E. (2003). "Kan maskiner bli smartere enn mennesker." CIO/Business Standard(6).
- Andersen, E. (2003). "Internasjonal outsourcing: Hva om vi flyttet saksbehandlingen til Pakistan?" CIO/Business Standard (5).
- Andersen, E. (2003). "Fri oss fra Spam." CIO/Business Standard (2).
- Andersen, E. (2003). "Kunder og hva de gjør (2): Tastetrykk og biffmiddag." CIO/Business Standard(1).
- Andersen, E (2002). "Internet as a Disruptive Technology: A Scenario for the Norwegian Retail Bank Market." Strategic Management Society
Conference, Paris.
- Kriger, M., E. Andersen, & L. Huemer (2002). "Sustainable
Value Creation in the Information Economy: A Strategy Framework from A
Multi-Disciplinary Perspective." Strategic Management Society Conference, Paris.
- Andersen, E. (2002). "The perils of the extrapolated technologist." ACM Ubiquity. 3 (36)
- Andersen, E. (2002). "Stamp out Technology Virginity." ACM
Ubiquity 3(30).
- Andersen, E. (2002). "Nowhere to Hide." ACM Ubiquity 3(28).
- Andersen, E. (2002). "The Answer is Out There." ACM Ubiquity 3(21).
- Andersen, E. (2002). "Infrastructure: The Things We Take For Granted." ACM Ubiquity 3(18).
- Andersen, E. (2002). "Attendre le Suitcase..." ACM Ubiquity 3(7).
- Andersen, E. (2002). "Kunder og hva de gjør (1): Øl og bleier." CIO/Business Standard (11).
- Andersen, E. (2002). "Bobleteknologenes vanskeligheter." CIO/Business Standard (10).
- Andersen, E. (2002). "Kompliserte kunder." CIO/Business Standard (9).
- Andersen, E. (2002). "Svaret finnes der ute." CIO/Business Standard (8).
- Andersen, E. (2002). "Den sutrete IT-sjefen?" CIO/Business Standard (7).
- Andersen, E. (2002). "Vet du hva som foregår på barnerommet?" CIO/Business Standard (5).
- Andersen, E. (2002). "IT-sjefens dilemma II: Teknologi eller forretning?" CIO/Business Standard (4).
- Andersen, E. (2002). "Veni. Vidi. Wiki." CIO/Business Standard (3).
- Andersen, E. (2002). "IT-sjefens dilemma: Strategisk eller operasjonell?" CIO/Business Standard (2).
- Andersen, E. (2002). "Søking i portalenes tid." CIO/Business Standard (1).
- Andersen, E. (2002). "Boiled frogs and disruptive technologies: The future of the Norwegian bank market." Nordic Retail Banking Report. Geelmuyden-Kiese. Oslo.
- Kriger, M., E. Andersen, & L. Huemer (2001). Value
Creation in the Information Economy: Competitive Dimensions in
Cyberspace. Strategic Management Society Conference, San Francisco.
- Andersen, E. (2001). "Personal Technology Architecture." ACM
Ubiquity 2(40).
- Andersen, E. (2001). Succeeding with Wireless: Nine Recommendations. Internet World.
- Andersen, E. (2001). Europe, the U.S. and Japan under the microscope. Global Wireless.
- Andersen, E., Ø. Fjeldstad, M. Viken. (2001). Increasing
the cake and splitting it too: Interfirm relations through phases of
technology and market development. IMP Conference, Oslo, Norway.
- Andersen, E. (2001). Doing Business in a Mobile World, The Concours Group Re.Sults report.
- Andersen, E. (2001). "Gratulerer Mr. Gorsky." Business Standard (11).
- Andersen, E. (2001). "Den personlige arkitektur." Business Standard (10).
- Andersen, E. (2001). "På en sofa fra IKEA." Business Standard (9).
- Andersen, E. (2001). "Et case av case." Business Standard (8).
- Andersen, E. (2001). "Beretningen om et varslet verdensherredømme." Business Standard (7).
- Andersen, E. (2001). "Ingen gjemmesteder igjen." Business Standard (6).
- Andersen, E. (2001). "Ikke lytt til kundene." Business Standard (5).
- Andersen, E. (2001). "Nettverkseksternaliteter." Business Standard (4).
- Andersen, E. (2001). "Nasjonale suksessfaktorer i en nettverksøkonomi." Business Standard (3).
- Andersen, E. (2001). "Ris og Ros - et eksperiment i forbrukerkommunikasjon." Business Standard (2).
- Andersen, E. (2001). "Om jeg bare hadde en smart koffert." Business Standard (1).
- Fjeldstad, Ø. D., E. Andersen, & M. B. Viken, Verdiskapning og internasjonal konkurransedyktighet i norsk IKT-sektor, Handelshøyskolen BI. Forskningsrapport 11/2000.
- Andersen, E. "Glamox - et case av godt norsk." Business Standard (12).
- Andersen, E. "Tekno-jomfruer - på tide med en utluftning?" Business Standard (11).
- Andersen, E. "Norge i mobiltoppen - hvor lenge vil vi være der?" Business Standard (10).
- Andersen, E. "Nettbanken banker banken." Business Standard (9).
- Andersen, E. "Taking High-Tech Notes." Harvard Management Communication Letter, HBS Publishing reprint #C0002B.
- "Explicit Management of the Knowledge Asset", June 1998, CSC Foundation Report
- "Managing the Knowledge Asset", February 1998, CSC Foundation Management Messages
- "Med utdanning som kjerne: Spennende IT på Fornebu", Aftenposten Aften, 18. juni
- "Digital Business Strategy: Technology-enabled simultaneous formulation and execution", presented at Strategic Management
Society 17th Annual International Conference, Barcelona, October 6-8.
- "Forming and performing the Digital Business Strategy", August 1997, CSC Foundation Research Reports, No. 113
- Juul Møller Bokhandel AS, case, Norwegian School of Management.
(Later published in Solomon, M. R., J. L. Zaichkowsky, et al. (2002). Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having and Being, Pearson Education Canada.)
- Hostile IS outsourcing: The story of ManuFact, case, Norwegian School of
- "Internett som konkurransearena: Strategiske og operasjonelle utfordringer", Praktisk Økonomi og Ledelse no. 1, Cappelen Akademisk Forlag, Oslo
- "Internet and the New Business Connectivity", CSC Index Foundation Research Report (with Paul Turton and Richard Pawson)
- "Battling Plagiarism", Letter to the Editor, Communications of the ACM, 39 (2), pp. 11-12.
- Evolving an Organizational Information Infrastructure: Transitions to Client-Server in the Transportation Industry, DBA dissertation, Harvard Business School
- " American Airlines : The InterAAct Project", (A & B), Harvard Business School Case no. 193-013 and 193-014.
- " Brooklyn Union Gas: OOPS on Big Iron" (with Benn Konsynski), Harvard Business School Case no. 192-144.
- " TVINN: Electronic Integration in Norwegian Customs Handling", Harvard Business School Case no. 192-108
- "What the Hell is OOPS, Anyway?" (with Benn Konsynski ), Harvard Business School Note no. 191-181.
- "Virtual Reality and the General Manager: Toys Becoming Tools" (with Benn Konsynski), Harvard Business School Note no. 192-090
- 1990
- MINITAB for skrekkslagne, Norwegian introduction to the Minitab statistics package.
- Various technical manuals on IBM mainframe software.
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