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February 10, 2009

General update

1. I have a new job as editor of the Opinion section of Oslostudenten, a monthly newspaper at my university college. The job includes being in charge of foreign correspondents. More on that later.

2. Starting May 4th, I have an internship at Teknisk Ukeblad. They're a weekly tech/IT/business/economics magazine, plus they have a website that doesn't annoy me. I'll be working both online and in print, and I'm looking forward to it.

3. I started taking French classes again. This means I'm spending a couple hours every Wednesday talking about current events with people twice my age. Basically nothing unusual, except it's in French.

4. I renewed my gym membership today. Go me!

5. I haven't slept a full night at night in 2009.

Posted by Julie at February 10, 2009 10:58 PM

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Congratulations on the new job!

Posted by: Peter at February 11, 2009 12:23 PM

Go deg!

Posted by: Per Ivar at February 11, 2009 5:51 PM

Go Julie! I'm so inspired by your blog so that I've decided to start blogging myself! I doubt it's going to be as "proff" as yours, but I figure it'll get better with time =)

And yes, I expect that you see the "ordspill" I'vemade up with this blogg-thing:


Posted by: The Cookiemonster! at February 16, 2009 10:10 PM

I must say, I find it fascinating that you chose journalism as your vocation.

I had the good fortune of having your father teach me on my MBA course in 2005/6, which was undoubtedly one of the most life-changing experiences I've had. His encouragement to open up blogging realized for me the fact that writing, reporting, news analysis, and just plain being heard was the most satisfying of experiences.

Journalism was something I always knew I wanted to do; Espen was the catalyst that pushed me over that edge.

It would be interesting if you wrote something about your reasons for choosing the profession. Anyway, congrats on the new gigs!

Posted by: Daniel M Harrison at February 21, 2009 11:50 PM

Daniel M. Harrison - Thank you! I think it's time I answer the question "Why journalism?" here. (And I think it's time you update your own blog!)

Posted by: Julie [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 23, 2009 11:50 PM

Julie - You are absolutely right, I'm well past the sell-by date in updating my blog! Mainly that's because I'm in the process of expanding it out into my own publication (VERY time consuming), where a substantial part of the b-model will end up being subscription-based (no fears, however, the blog will be regular and free as it always has been).

Also chat about what kind of journalism you want to pursue and why, if you decide to post on "why journalism". If I can be of any help with intl/U.S. publications shoot me an e-mail anytime.

Keep up the blog; it's great stuff, very funny!

Posted by: Daniel M. Harrison at February 27, 2009 7:50 AM